Humidity Control

Humidity Control Products in Knoxville

Have you ever stopped to wonder if you need to improve humidity control in your home? No?

Here are a few questions for you to think about:

  1. Do you often wake up with a dry mouth and scratchy throat?
  2. Do your nasal passages feel like they are made of parchment?
  3. Do you see moisture condensing on the inside of your windows or walls?
  4. Does your skin feel dry and cracked, even though you slather it with lotion?

If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, then you are likely in need of some kind of humidity control equipment.

What Is Humidity, Exactly?

Humidity is defined as the amount of moisture in the air at any given time. Excess humidity can make a warm day uncomfortable, or turn a hot day into a sauna.

However, a lack of humidity can be just as uncomfortable. When the air is overly dry, you may experience nosebleeds, excess thirst, or dry, cracked skin. Lack of humidity can be especially hard on people with asthma and other respiratory problems. Breathing in dry air can be painful, and can set off coughing fits or asthma attacks.

How Can You Strike the Right Balance?

Depending on how you answered the questions above, our experts can help you determine what is best for you. You may need a combination of humidifying and dehumidifying tools depending on the season.

C’mon, Is It Really THAT Bad?

Every person is different. What might be tolerable to some is unbearable to others. But at the very least, excess moisture buildup inevitably leads to mold and mildew problems – two factors scientifically proven to cause respiratory infections and health complications.

The best course of action is to contact the experts here at A-1 Finchum. Our pros are standing by, ready to answer all of your humidity control questions. Contact us to schedule a free in-home assessment.

Already have a problem with mold, mildew, or indoor air quality? Check out our whole-home air purification options.
Services — Humidity Control in Knoxville, TN
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