Uneven cooling interferes with your comfort as you move to different rooms in the house. Uneven cooling might also mean something is wrong with the air conditioner (AC). Below are four approaches that can help you deal with the problem.
AC contractors take relevant precautions to prevent uneven cooling. Below are some of their measures.
Both oversized and undersized AC systems lead to uneven cooling. An undersized system struggles to cool and circulate adequate air to all house parts. An oversized AC shuts down too soon before cooling the whole house. Professional contractors consider all relevant sizing factors and install properly sized systems.
Good ductwork and design ensure each part of the house receives adequate cool air and stale air returns to the AC. The duct material, route, and size all matter. The registers' sizes and locations also matter. Again, duct and register design is something professional AC contractors easily get right.
Some houses are difficult to cool evenly because of their sizes and configurations. For example, a multilevel house is difficult to cool evenly because the upper level is inherently warmer than the lower level. In such cases, your AC contractor may suggest a zoning system.
AC zoning allows independent cooling of different house parts or rooms. That way, you can adjust each room's thermostat to ensure it cools to the right temperature.
Once the contractor installs your AC, maintain it to cool your house evenly. Here are major maintenance practices for even cooling.
The air filter clogs over time, so you must replace it regularly. A clogged air filter reduces the AC's air intake, making it behave like an undersized system. As previously explained, an undersized AC might not produce adequate air to cool all corners of the house.
Cleaning the AC is an effective way to ensure it runs efficiently and provides adequate cooling. The ductwork and coils should always be clean because they facilitate air circulation and heat exchange.
Duct leaks are a major cause of uneven cooling since leakages from supply ducts limit cool air supply to specific places in the house. Inspect your AC system, including the ductwork, and seal or replace damaged sections leaking air.
How you use the AC also determines whether it effectively cools all house parts. Here are a couple of tips on proper usage.
The AC thermostat fan setting has Auto (Automatic) and On positions. With the Auto setting, the fan only circulates the air during the AC's cooling cycle. Keep the fan setting to On so the fan runs constantly, and all house parts will receive adequate air.
In some cases, uneven cooling arises because someone accidentally closes some vents. If that happens, the rooms with closed vents don't receive cool air and will remain warmer than others.
Even your house's construction and maintenance affect its cooling. Here are two types to ensure your house doesn't cause uneven cooling.
Insulated house parts will be warmer than insulated ones as heat from outside penetrates the house, leading to uneven cooling. Ensure the building envelope, from the walls to the roof, have adequate insulation. Insulate the ductwork so air doesn't heat before reaching different house parts.
Lastly, ensure your house doesn't leak air. For example, a room with a leaky window perimeter might leak or admit cool or warm air. Either can interfere with the room's cooling and give it a different temperature from the rest of the house.
Contact A-1 Finchum Heating and Cooling to enjoy efficient and even cooling. We can design, install, and service your AC so it always runs efficiently.