How comfortable does your home feel when the sun is beating down outside? If your air conditioning system is old or damaged, you might be left with a place that always feels hot and muggy — even when your air conditioner is running full steam.
If you’re noticing issues with your air conditioner, then consider the following three reasons you should upgrade your air conditioner and why you won't regret making the investment.
1. More Efficient Cooling
Because of advancements in HVAC technology, modern air conditioners are far more efficient than models made even a decade ago. Today’s HVAC systems are capable of using less power than ever before to deliver a steady stream of crisp, cool air.
In fact, the US Department of Energy states that replacing a ten-year-old air conditioner with a modern version could save you anywhere from 20%-40% on cooling costs — savings that can really add up over the course of a summer. For example, if you are used to spending $200 per month on power during those hot summer months, a new system could lower your bill anywhere from $40 to $80 per month.
One of the hallmarks of modern air conditioners is the fact that many systems contain variable speed fans, allowing homeowners to more accurately control the temperature inside of their homes. Instead of running the system full speed anytime the temperature indoors spikes, variable speed systems can run at partial capacity, keeping the inside of the home cool while saving power.
2. Less Noise
If you have ever been startled in the middle of a summer's night by the sound of your air conditioner clicking on, you aren't alone. In addition to burning through energy, older air conditioners also tend to make loads of extra noise, which makes everything from sleeping to watching TV a little more difficult.
However, you don't have to let your old system keep you up at night. Today, many air conditioners are designed with sound-reducing wrappings and special acoustic fan blades designed to chop less at the air, silencing the system. Research has shown that some modern air conditioners produce less than one-twentieth of the noise older systems did — making it easier to go about your daily routine.
Also, since newer air conditioners cool your home more effectively, they tend to cycle on and off less frequently, reducing the number of times you have to listen to your system start up and turn off.
3. Improved Air Quality
If a quieter home and more money in your pocket aren't enough to convince you to shop for a new AC unit this year, consider the fact that new air conditioners are also designed to improve the air quality inside your home, more effectively preventing problems like allergies, dust buildup, and system failures.
New HVAC systems are also designed to handle larger, more effective filters, helping cleanse the air as it circulates through your home. Some systems, such as the RAS SX8 air conditioner from Hitachi, even contain internal, self-cleaning, stainless steel mesh filters to trap particulates — while simultaneously creating an ionizing mist that destroys airborne bacteria and viruses.
If you or any of your family members are immunocompromised or are sensitive to allergens like dust and pollen, talk with an HVAC contractor today to see how modern air conditioners could improve the air quality of your home. With a new system, you might be able to keep your family and your guests more comfortable while avoiding pesky health problems.
When you are ready to talk about improving your HVAC system, let our team here at A-1 Finchum Heating & Cooling help. To get an estimate or schedule an appointment,
contact us